It had only been five
days since Arlando Mazroni had come to the beautiful and picturesque city of
Balanga which was the capital of the province of Bataan located in Philippines.
Arlando Mazroni had long awaited his opportunity to visit the city due to its
beautiful locales which acquaintances back in Spain had on numerous occasions
referred to. Arlando Mazroni was a researcher who was on his mission to
discover the various hidden cultures from around the world and report back to
the newspaper with which he had contracted upon. During the previous five
years, he had discovered quite a number of hidden cultures of different
countries from around the world which he had reported back to the Spanish
newspaper. However, his purpose of visit to Bataan was more of a holiday than
for any business purpose. Friends and family had suggested that he should be
taking a small vacation away from work. Out of all the places which Arlando had
listed, Philippines and especially Bataan had interested him the most.
One of the reasons
that Arlando was really looking forward to his visit was that Balanga, the
capital city of Bataan, was famous for its clay work and in fact the name
“Balanga” stood for “Clay pot” in ancient Kapampangan language. Arlando had
been looking forward to some great story on ancient clay works.
The city of Balanga
which was founded since 1712, was a city that had depended upon agricultural
activities since its inception. It had also intrigued Arlando that just merely
seven years ago in 1898, the three hundred year colonial rule of Spain had
ended in the whole of Philippines. He was eager to see the legacy of Spain
which was left behind in this country and particularly in the city of Balanga.
Arlando Mazroni was
born to a conservative Spanish parents. His entire schooling and teen life was
spent within the confines of the country. Neither did his parents and nor did
Arlando had ever imagined that the shy boy who would take his own time to get
comfortable with strangers would one day travel the world to discover new,
unknown and hidden cultures. Cultures had often attracted Arlando since
childhood. He would often get intrigued by anything new and unseen and if it
would turn out to be something non- Spanish, the same would be a jackpot for
It was during his late teens, when he had
landed on an unofficial contract to be part of an expedition to an African
jungle where he had impressed upon the organizers with his insights into
cultural analysis. The organizers had referred him to a Spanish newspaper,
which in turn had provided him with a bundle of opportunities to bring in new
stories. There was no looking back for him since then. A tall lanky fellow,
with a hint of beard on a fair skin, and hair which fell on to his shoulders,
made up Arlando’s appearance when he had visited the City of Balanga.
Not more than a mere
7500 people resided in the city Balanga
in the year 1905. A person by the name of A. Mendoza was the mayor of the city
at that point of time and it was with the help of Mendoza that Arlando had
secured uninterrupted access to the various regions and places in the city.
One of the more interesting places for Arlando
was the Balanga cathedral where he had spent quite a bit of time since he had
arrived. It was during this time itself, when, during a visit to one of the
rural villages near Balanga, that Arlando had observed some unusual activities
taking place especially during the nights.
One night when
Arlando had just finished his dinner and was resting on a cot outside his guest
house, he had heard some sounds which seemed to be some footsteps of a group of
people. Unable to see anyone, he went inside the house and looked through the
window of the first floor. It appeared as though he looked into oblivion. Through the never ending expanse of trees and
greenery, Arlando saw something which he could never have imagined. From the
point where he stood, he could see an entire bamboo house moving slowly all by
itself. It just moved so slow, that it appeared as if a human was walking. To
the eye, the house seemed to know the road as it smoothly continued with its
journey. Shocked with what he had just seen, Arlando couldn’t wait to get out.
He wanted to follow the movement. A
bamboo house moving on its own was something which he couldn’t have even
imagined in his dreams either. He quickly took his bag and walked hurriedly
along with a fire lit stick. He walked hurriedly though the green bushes not
fearing for the deadly animals. After some twenty minutes, he had arrived at a
vantage point from where he could see the entire act taking place. It was
something which had left Arlando speechless.
A group of fifteen
people carried the bamboo house and were walking slowly. The Bamboo house was
made of bamboo sticks and nipa leaves. Arlando observed that the Bamboo poles
were tied length wise and diagonally below the bamboo house and people had gone
under those Bamboo poles and had picked up the house on their shoulders
As those fifteen people were involved in this
act, the entire weight of the bamboo house which was not that heavy was shared
by the fifteen people. A confused Arlando just watched from his vantage point.
He had observed that there were also three other persons who didn’t carry the
bamboo house but were walking along with the group. He drew the image of the
entire act in his mind so that he could document the same as soon as he would
return to his cottage.
As the group of
people continued with their journey, Arlando followed them all night and for
the early part of the next afternoon, until they came to a spot where they
placed the Bamboo house. Arlando had taken care of not exposing himself to
them. He hid in the nearby bushes and watched every act of that group.
During the afternoon,
food was served to those fifteen people by those extra three persons one of
whom was a female. After the pleasantries, the group of fifteen left the place
and started their journey back. Arlando
stood where he was all along. He was hungry for some time due to which he
decided that he should perhaps return back to his cottage.
Over the next three
days, Arlando had written a story on what he had observed. It still intrigued
him as to why would a group of people carry a bamboo house on their back and
walk all along. During the next fortnight, Arlando had observed similar
activities. Sometimes he would observe some ten to fifteen houses been lifted
and moved all along. It perhaps seemed to Arlando that the act could have been
some sought of festival.
On his arrival back
to the city of Balanga, Arlando met up with the mayor and inquired about the
strange activities which he had observed in the rural village. During an
evening get together, the mayor introduced him to one of his British friends by
the name of Mr. Elliot. It was a much known
fact that Mr. Elliot had settled down in the city of Balanga since the time the
Spanish had left. He was a writer and an author who had written some great
books on various countries and on their history since inception.
“It is known as ‘Bayanihan’ here,” explained Elliot.
“A very old culture
here indeed, and a very unique one. Something which we may not find in the new
“What’s the
significance of this culture?” asked Arlando curiously.
“You see, whenever
someone moves from one town to the other one, not only does he takes his
belongings, he also takes along his house.
The local town people, especially men lend a hand to the family to help
them to move to a new location. In short, not only the family’s belongings are
moved but also the family’s entire house is transferred to a new location”
“By the people, you
mean to say” inquired Arlando.
“Yes, of course.
That’s the significance of the culture. They all move together and it signifies
“It’s beautiful to
know that something like this exists.”
“Sure. This concept
of the Filipinos gives an example to the world about helping fellow humans
especially in the times of need without expecting anything in return.”
Arlando was touched.
He had never imagined that a simple causal vacation would end up for him in
coming across something as beautiful and divine as this aspect of the Filipino
Two months later, a
Spanish newspaper had published an article on an ancient culture by the name of
“Bayanihan”. Though he wasn’t sure
how many of the readers would have come across the article but surely Arlando
was a happy and content man for bringing something beautiful and graceful to
the eyes of the world through his writing.